혹 아시는분 있으면 해석이라도 달아주세요.


 1. The bold new approach worked like a magic.

 2. Thirty-five percent is a large proportion of income spent on housing.

 3. The truck is moving slowly up the steep incline.

 4. Each supervisor must undergo a series of tests to determine their ability to

    work under pressure.

 5. We're going to advertise the position to get qualified applicants.

 6. The contents of the document astonished the secretary.

 7. If we wish to provide superior services to our customers, we must do more         than our competitors.

 8. The price is cheaper but the product is inferior.

 9. U. S. computer manufacturers decided to assemble components abroad.

10. The city doesn't possess the financial ability to build a new library.

11. The damaged shipment arrived in fragments.

12. Erase the temporary files on the laptop before you turn it in to the office.

13. After we modify this rough draft, we will start on the final version.

14. We need to revise the article and make it short and to the point.

15. Hope we can mend our differences and continue to work together.

16. He proposed an amendment to remove $600,000 from the budget.

17. Dr. Peterson was asked to chair the committee.

18. Ms. Williams was elected chairperson of the executive committee.

19. As new model cars arrived, they slashed prices on the older ones.

20 Please curtail your spending until the new budget is set.

21. The machinery in the factory is inspected every week.

22. He reviewed the company profile before applying for the job.

23. He deliberately postponed his response.

24. Clip these papers and hand them to Director Hudson, please.

25. The steady upward movement of interest rates in the past two months isn't

    likely to continue.

26. Some ecologists warn that shrimp farming threatens the biological balance of

    Chesapeake Bay.

27. The fare seemed reasonable to the ticket agent.

28. We must devise a marketing strategy for rural areas.

29. Soak the leaves for one hour.

30. She now relies on her daughter-in-law to bathe and feed her.

'2007년1학기 > 영어I' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어1 문법들  (28) 2007.04.26
영어1 해석본  (43) 2007.04.19
영어 완전기초  (32) 2007.03.19
영어 1 퀴즈자료  (28) 2007.03.18
by cranix 2007. 3. 18. 16:04

'2007년1학기 > 영어I' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어1 문법들  (28) 2007.04.26
영어1 해석본  (43) 2007.04.19
영어 완전기초  (32) 2007.03.19
영어 해석  (21) 2007.03.18
by cranix 2007. 3. 18. 15:56

AJAX 로 채팅방을 만드는데 어떤 컴퓨터는 되고 또 어디서는 안되고..

이런 현상이 있었다.

찾아보니 브라우저에 "페이지를 열때마다" 가 체크가 되어있으면 되고 안되어있으면 안되었다.

아마도 브라우저가 캐시하는 데이터때문에 그랬던거 같다.

그래서 jsp 페이지에서 자체적으로 열때마다 캐시를 지우는 헤더를 삽입해주었다.

아래는 그 소스다.




<? php
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header ("Pragma: no-cache");  

header ("Expires: 0");

' > Jsp' 카테고리의 다른 글

jsp 직접실행 막기  (53) 2007.12.12
TOMCAT5.5 + MYSQL5.0 + JNDI 설정하기  (44) 2006.12.16
스트러츠 2.0  (92) 2006.12.16
by cranix 2007. 3. 18. 01:20
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